Welcome to LeaderInYou

We promote individuals liberate potentials and awaken personal values to foster maturity



For age 0-13
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For age 14-21
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For age 22-41
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For age 42-55
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For age 56-70
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We are LeaderInYou

LeaderInYou is a pioneering professional development firm dedicated to unleash the latent potential within individuals and fostering the realization of personal values. Our bespoke programs and expert guidance are designed to empower people to lead with conviction, navigate their unique paths with confidence, and achieve excellence in their personal and professional lives. At LeaderInYou, we believe that leadership is an innate quality that can be cultivated, and we are committed to nurturing this quality to its fullest expression.

One of our non-profit Apps in our Youth Career Orientation Development Program is reproduced with permission from the ILO (International Labor Organization) which you can download free on below links

iOS: ILO Huong Nghiep

Android: ILO Huong Nghiep

“Copyright © International Labour Organization 2020.  Reproduced with permission from the ILO. The ILO shall neither be responsible for any interpretation or use of the information in LeaderInYou training programms and activities, nor for any inaccuracy, error or omission therein, nor for the consequences arising from the use of the content.”

Read more about us
Projects done
Scientific articles
Years of experience
Strategic Partners
Social network members

Numbers speak better than words!

At LeaderInYou, we understand that the true measure of our impact is reflected in the tangible outcomes and statistics that underscore our success. Our comprehensive approach has consistently yielded remarkable results, with a significant percentage of our people achieving breakthroughs in personal growth and leadership development.


  1. Personal Growth: LeaderInYou is experienced at facilitating personal growth, helping people to identify their strengths, overcome challenges, and achieve their full potential.
  2. Emotional Intelligence: LeaderInYou focus on approaches for developing emotional intelligence, enabling people to manage emotions and build strong interpersonal relationships.
  3. Strategic Visioning: The firm assists individuals in developing a clear strategic vision for their future, aligning their personal values with their long-term goals.
  4. Professional Coaching: With a focus on professional advancement, LeaderInYou offers coaching services that equip people with the tools and strategies needed for career success.
  5. Leadership Development: Specializing in cultivating leadership skills, LeaderInYou helps individuals to become effective leaders who can inspire and guide others.
Personal Growth - 25 years
Emotional Intelligence - 18 years
Strategic Visioning - 20 years
Professional Coaching - 10 years
Leadership Development - 10 years

Partnership program

LeaderInYou invites like-minded organizations to join our Partnership Program, designed to extend the reach of professional and personal development through collaborative efforts. Our program is ideal for businesses, educational institutions, and non-profit organizations committed to fostering potential and growth.

Affiliate program

LeaderInYou is excited to offer an Affiliate Program that empowers individuals and organizations to promote our transformative professional development services. This program is designed for those who resonate with our mission of awakening personal values and liberating potential.

Donation program

Our Donation Program, a philanthropic initiative designed to support individuals who are passionate about personal development but may lack the resources to participate in our programs. This program aligns with our mission to awaken personal values and liberate potential across all walks of life.

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